Over recent days, I have observed some of the things taking place in our country and our world, and my spirit has been stirred. It is always my practice to look for the good and positive things that our Creator is accomplishing in the world. On that front, there is much to be grateful for. While you may not hear it from the news media or the talking heads of this world, the simple truth is that Good is winning! The Kingdom of Light is overtaking the Kingdom of Darkness.
However, while that may be the case, there are still negative things happening in this world that need our prayer, attention, and action. As citizens of the Kingdom of God, we cannot simply stand by and allow evildoers to perpetrate evil. We cannot accept that the Kingdom of Darkness has dominion over certain areas of our society, and that’s just the way it is. No! We take our deployment into those areas (mountains) of society, and we contend for them on behalf of our Kingdom.
One of the facets of our society that has me so grieved these days is that of the Law, Justice, Equality, and Fairness. There seems to be so much misunderstanding on these topics that it can be hard to know how to begin any meaningful discussion. But Holy Spirit God has led me to begin writing on this topic, and I want to share it with all of you. I foresee this being an ongoing blog series that I will add to over the coming weeks and months. As always, I welcome your thoughts and reactions in the comments.
Does justice and equality exist in the Kingdoms and the Governments of this World? Are the Governments of this world fair and just to all of its citizens? For many years I have observed and experienced along with the Citizenry of this world, frustration, defeat and disappointment when we look to our Governments for fair and for just treatment. It simply cannot give what it does not have. We are in a place in the United States where there are groups of people who believe that lawlessness is better than what we receive from those who give/represent our law. To many, anarchy seems to be the only reasonable alternative. I do not believe that it is correct.
The law that Moses delivered to Israel had more than six hundred specific precepts of laws. The Prophet Micah gave three: 1) Do what is right, 2) Love mercy, and 3) walk humbly before your God. Jesus summarized law into two directives;
36 “Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?” 37 Jesus answered him, “‘Love[a] the Lord your God with every passion of your heart, with all the energy of your being, and with every thought that is within you.’[b] 38 This is the great and supreme commandment. 39 And the second is like it in importance: ‘You must love your friend[c] in the same way you love yourself.’[d] 40 Contained within these commandments to love you will find all the meaning of the Law and the Prophets.”
Matthew 22:36-40 The Passion Translation (TPT)
Where are we today? Every Department of Government has thousands of laws and regulations for their specific area of jurisdiction that they impose and enforce. It is really unbelievable.
How did we get here? In short, Government officials overstepping their bounds and their authority, Legislators passing laws that serve particular groups (Lobbyists) and not everyone equally, and Attorneys in general who have perverted the system by establishing a new standard (precedent) based on what they and the courts (government and attorneys) decide is legal instead of simply what is right and just. Am I surprised? Should we be surprised? No, not really.
The Founding Fathers of the United States when writing the Constitution for our governing agreement, based all that they placed in our governing documents on moral law. We were governed by the rule of law that was founded and based on the standard of moral law. That in itself stated that we believed that there is a (one) Lawgiver who is the sole purveyor of equality and justice. The farther we have gotten away from that foundation, we have begun to establish laws ourselves (we have become the lawgivers) which now has become the standard for justice which is based on what is legal and not what is right. We (courts, government, legislators, attorneys) have decided the standard. Our governing is no longer based on justice, equality and what is right, but what is legal as we have decided and legislated and/or regulated.
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