22 Then a demon-possessed man, who was both blind and unable to talk, was brought to Jesus. He healed the man so that he could both speak and see.
23 The crowd was amazed. “Could it be that Jesus is the Son of David, the Messiah?” they wondered out loud.
24 But when the Pharisees heard about the miracle they said, “No wonder he can cast out demons. He gets his power from Satan, the prince of demons.”
25 Jesus knew their thoughts and replied “Any Kingdom at war with itself is doomed. A city or house divided against itself is doomed.”
Matthew 12:22-25
Kingdoms are governments. Kingdoms follow plans and systems. History has proven that the great Kingdoms of the world have crumbled from within. A most recent example was the Soviet Union. It fell without a shot being fired. The evil and wickedness of the system so destroyed the spirits of the people that finally they could stand no more. A friend from Russia told me recently that Putin is scheming to recreate and rebuild the Soviet Union as a dominating empire. And we know the prophetic declaration of the march on Israel. But we also know who wins. Mr. Putin can be foolish if he wants to. That hook in his jaw will only lead him to death and destruction.
The Kingdom Principle: Know truth. What is truth? “My Word is truth,” is the Creator’s reply. Do not judge by what is said, nor by what you see. Both can be lies. The defeated Satan is a liar and the Father of Lies. He is the master deceiver. Base everything on what God, His Word and His Spirit say. They will agree. We must know the voice of the Good Shepherd. We must know the voice of our Father. The voice of a stranger we must not follow. We must roll our works completely upon Him and commit and trust them totally to Him. He will cause our thoughts to become agreeable with Him and our plans will be established and succeed.
Lanny Wolfe’s song of several decades ago speaks to our review.
There is peace and contentment in the Father’s house today,
Lots of food on the table and no one is turned away,
There is singing and laughter as the hours pass by,
But a hush calms the singing as the Father sadly criesMy house is full, but my field is empty,
“My House is Full” – Lanny Wolfe Trio
Who will go and work for me today?
It seems my people all want to stay around my table,
But no one wants to work in my field
Are you part of the 97%? Less than 3% of Believers are ever credentialed or work in a ministry that is on the pulpit at Church. 100% are called. “Go and make disciples of all nations” is the charge. Humanity is hungry. They are desperate. They are longing to see the followers of Christ live in a relationship that displays the power to make a difference in the outcomes of their lives. It is there. It is now. It is called the Kingdom of God.
We must — EVERYONE must — be prepared to present what the Kingdom of God is, how it works in experience and to provide personal proof, to inform everyone what the dynamics of conduct are – values and principles, and how that is shared in the marketplace, (a proven method) and to provide the method of delivery to every sector of society.
Josephs arise. His plans for us are for good. For hope and a future. Not for disaster. His plans have not and they will not change. No matter what the Kingdom of Darkness may say or do. “Be of good cheer. I have overcome the world.”
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