This is the fourth part in a series I’ve been working on for a number of weeks. If you haven’t read parts one, two, and three, be sure to go back and read them as well.
We must learn to think, to see, to hear, to speak, to act and to react, to live and to have our being (our existence) in eternity, in Him. He is eternal. Pursuing the Kingdom government and the authority of the Kingdom System first (which is also eternal), we will develop the relationship and experiences that are described as “righteousness” (a correct relationship), peace and joy in the Holy Spirit God. A correct relationship (righteousness) with our Creator means that there is nothing in our lives that separates us from our God, or impedes our fellowship and communication with our Creator. He speaks to us through our spirit man continually. Righteousness is a gift from God. We are told that our God’s wonderful grace and His gift of righteousness enable humanity to live in triumph over sin and death. We have an unobstructed flow of fellowship and communication. We may have allowed the cares of our life in time, our present situations, circumstances and relationships, or what they appear to be (based on temporary time) to control our thoughts and to direct our lives. We do not have to do so. We have the option and are presented with the method of living in the victory declared and provided by our Creator God. It is our choice.
We are to change the way that we think to agree with what our God says about us, who we are to Him and what He has provided for us. How do we do this? We program our minds with what He says (His Word) until our mind is no longer a reflection of the lies of the defeated Satan our enemy, but we have internalized our God’s Word until that is who we are, and who we believe and think/know that we are. We will do that by becoming eternity empowered, eternity motivated and eternity directed.
We are told to roll our works (everything that we do) upon the Lord, to commit and to trust all that we do to Him completely, and He will cause our thoughts to become agreeable with His will and our plans will be established and our plans will succeed. This act and these actions of relationship from our understanding of our correct relationship with our Creator, form the foundation of our peace. We are told that when we concentrate (maintain) our thoughts on our Creator (eternity) and when we trust Him completely, He will provide us with a peace that surpasses understanding. In every situation we are made to triumph and to prosper in Christ Jesus. This is where we must live and have our existence. We are offered and told how to live is a living relationship of continual fellowship and constant communication with our Creator. This is the inexpressible joy and glory that comes from a trust relationship. All of this is found and is based in eternity and in our eternalness. This is where our true success if found and enjoyed.
Let’s sum this up. Our God is a God of relationship. Relationship requires fellowship. Fellowship requires time spent together. Time spent together requires that we give the time. Our God is not religious, and we cannot fellowship and communicate with Him effectively and proficiently through religious methods. Continual fellowship and communication with our Creator God is the natural and prescribed method provided to us by our Creator God. We must develop these skills just as we do every other talent that we receive from our God. We must spend time together with our God. Prayer (communication, talking with (not to) our God) is a key exercise. Reading His Word, listening to teaching about His Word, reading good books about Him and our relationship with Him, and fellowshipping with others who share our passion (like-minded). Nothing that we desire must be allowed to compare to our desire and to our passion for our relationship with and for our fellowship with Him.
We have this treasure in earthen vessels of clay. Do not expect this to be easy (without much effort being required) and without mistakes along the way. Short of miraculous intervention, it takes time to undo old habits and to develop new habits. We must sincerely want to become who we are creatively designed to be. We must seek for, strive for and we must be ravenously hungry for this relationship experience in our lives. No casual effort or desire will be able to achieve this very real and very available experience. It is always about relationship through fellowship, spending time together.
Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
The Message (MSG) Matthew 11:28-30
The short definition of Kingdom success is for all of humanity to know who they are to themselves and to their Creator and then to effectively pursue their designed purpose to a successful outcome. Who we are to ourselves and to our Creator the one who designed us includes knowing –
- Where we came from
- Why we are here – our purpose
- How we are to live while here – morality/choice
- What happens when we die
As discussed in this presentation, we must understand eternity and our eternalness in order to follow these four questions to the successful outcomes that are designed for the real us, the eternal us, for now and forever.
We are an eternal spirit that lives in a body and we are managed by our mind. This is who we are. This is the foundation for our success.
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