The two questions that we primarily ask of those whom we engage to research our ancestry are “who am I”, and “where did I come from?” The increased interest and the heightened desire to know the answers to these questions have created annually a more than one hundred million dollar industry globally. We must keep in mind our vantage point for all of our inquiries and our questions about our identity, our origin and our purpose. No matter how much we know about our present, earthly lineage, our focus for everything in our lives must be on eternity and our eternalness. The temporary things of our lives must be subject to the things that are eternal. It is easy to allow our pursuit of the temporary things to become more important than the things that are eternal and the things that last forever. What are some of those temporary things? Money and anything money can buy – houses, land, boats, airplanes, cars, power, business, fame, and any and everything that expires. Things with an expiration date, whether that date is written or not.
Our power and our authority come from who we are and where we came from eternally, and from the things and the relationships that are eternal. This is our highest source and the greatest authority in our lives. There is nothing that is greater. We must remember that lesser authority always yields to greater authority and the greatest authority in our lives is and will always be that which is eternal.
This is a paradigm shift for humanity that changes how we think, what we believe, and how we choose to act.
We have not been taught much about our relationship with our eternity and our eternalness. Practically nothing at all. The language may sound foreign or strange. We are very busy with our present, here-and-now portion of our eternity just trying to figure it out and to get by. We are making all of our decisions based on our present, here and now. The present situations, our present circumstances and our present relationships that are looking into our eyes now. Most of humanity does not consider their eternity or their eternalness in the day to day living of their life in any way. Eternity?! What is that? Eternity is way out there somewhere in our Future, in the sweet by and by. Living our lives based on eternity and our personal eternalness is a fundamental and foundation change in our approach to life. The eternal approach will change the underlying assumptions that we may have lived our lives by to date and will certainly change our approach to the remainder of our life in time.
This is a huge paradigm shift.
Is this important? You bet it is! This viewpoint presents for our consideration and for our choice making process, the difference between the Eternal and the Temporary, between Life and Death, providing an assurance of Knowing and not just Guessing with a clear path towards the objective, with an active relationship instead of demagoguery and overbearing regulation and compliance. This is what lasting success for humanity is made of.
The vantage point that we live our life by in the present, here and now, has great consequence on our experience not only in our present, here and now, but also in our hereafter. Our understanding of the question, “where did I come from?” is pivotal in our knowing how to experience a successful and meaningful life in our Here and Now.
Much, if not most, of humanity live their lives as if their present experience in-time is all that there is for them. There was no before here, and there is no hereafter, only the here and the now. While we may give a little thought and attention to our hereafter, it is only a small amount of consideration. I do not recall ever hearing someone speak or teach about our life and who we were in our “before-here.” Not at the University, not at church, not at the Synagogue, not anywhere. Yet, the scriptures, our Constitution – the fundamental values, principles and established precedent that we acknowledge and agree that we are governed by – is very clear.
We did not begin here, and we will not end here.
We and everything about us are not just about our here and our now. We are eternal, and our eternity and our eternalness have profound impact on everything about us, now and forever.
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