We have learned that the “before-here” portion of our eternity and our eternalness is designed to have significant influence and to have major impact of the “here” component of who we are. Our before-here is to play a pivotal role in our “hereafter” also. Where we came from and who we are eternally is far more significant and far more influential in the successful and meaningful living of our lives than the source of our temporary body.
Our Creator and Designer has said that each of us enter this planet with an implanted sense of purpose which works through all of our “time” to achieve a specific, designed purpose that we receive from our Creator and our Designer before our arrival on this planet. Discovering what that purpose is has challenged humanity from the beginning of time. Every human being ever born on the earth asks themselves the question, “why am I here?” This question and its correct answer are the reason for our existence. Our reason for being. Our purpose is wrapped up in this simple, yet profound, question and its accurate answer. We search for this knowledge and for the subsequent wisdom that we receive from knowing our purpose to the daily, moment by moment living of our lives. This is the only platform that will bring to us the happiness, the contentment, and the forever success that we long for, and that we are made to experience while we are in-time.
In our Constitution we are presented with this clarity about our source for this knowledge and for this understanding about where we find our purpose through the Holy Spirit God speaking to us through King Solomon’s writing in Ecclesiastes.
11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He also has planted eternity in men’s hearts and minds [a divinely implanted sense of a purpose working through the ages which nothing under the sun but God alone can satisfy]…
Ecclesiastes 3:11-13 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)
This scripture is very foundational in our quest for our purpose. We cannot overlook what is said here about our purpose while we are “in-time.” We are told that our experience while we are in time is beautiful and all that goes with that. We are clearly told that our purpose, the reason that we are here, the reason for our being, is found in our eternity and in our eternalness. We are told that our purpose is placed in our spirit and in our mind by our Creator and our Designer, our God. This skill-set is part of the package that we receive from our Creator and our Designer when He “forms us and empowers (consecrates) us with gifts, talents, abilities and also the anointing” that we are to use to perform our purpose on this planet while we are in-time.
He follows all of this declaration with the profound statement that there is nothing under the sun (while we are in time) that will satisfy humanity, other than our pursuing this design and our operating in this “implanted sense of purpose.” This understanding is key to finding our purpose. Knowing where our purpose is located and how we are to pursue our purpose while we are in-time provides the map and guide to our success.
This information is part of the design that He Himself places in each of us when He forms us and when He sets us apart to be His witness, His Ambassador, His Prophet proclaiming His goodness to the nations.
Our Purpose, the “why we are” and the “why we are here,” is the foundation and the unavoidable beginning of our success story. We cannot proceed past this. We must first know our purpose in order for us to fulfill our reason for being. Before knowing our purpose, we must first know that there is a purpose for us. As Zig Ziglar said, “you cannot hit a target you cannot see.” It is not our charge to create our purpose, but rather to discover His purpose for us and then to go after it with all that we are.
Our purpose is not difficult for us to determine. Have we looked in the correct places? Have we placed so many unreasonable and unrealistic requirements for our verification and acceptance that we have made it impossible for us to know and to accept what our Creator has prepared for us? Our Creator has not hidden our purpose from us, nor has He made it difficult for us to know for sure and without any doubt what our purpose is. He wants us to know. His plans for us are wrapped up in our understanding His purpose for us. He has said that our implanted purpose from Him is placed in our eternity and in our eternalness.
Keep an eye out for next week’s blog, where I will address more about discovering our purpose while we are in-time.
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