Our mission and our charge while we are in our temporary experience of time is to make good choices that are based on our eternalness because our choices in-time have huge impact on what our experience will be when we return to eternity without time.
When the body of the man, Jesus Christ, had been savagely beaten, and after being whipped without mercy and nailed to a wooden cross, as His body expired, He loudly cried out to its Creator:
46 Then Jesus cried out with a loud voice, “Father, I surrender my Spirit into your hands.”[a] And he took his last breath and died.
Luke 23:46, The Passion Translation (TPT)
Jesus as a human man was releasing His Spirit to leave His body and to return to its origin and to its Creator.
When Stephen was being stoned to the point where his body was dying, he cried out to his eternal Father:
59 As they hurled stone after stone at him, Stephen prayed, “Our Lord Jesus, accept my spirit into your presence.” 60 He crumpled to his knees and shouted in a loud voice, “Our Lord, don’t hold this sin against them.” And then he died.
Acts 7:59-60, The Passion Translation (TPT)
When our spirit leaves our body, we go to Heaven, our here-after. There our life in-time is evaluated, and we are rewarded according to our life choices while we were on this planet. Every thought, each action and all of our desires are presented for review.
This is important to know and for us to understand while we are on this planet and in-time.
Our choices for our conduct and for our behavior must be based on the awareness and on the reality of our eternalness. We are an eternal spirit. Unlike our body that is temporary and will die, the real us, the eternal and forever us, our spirit, will not die, but will live forever. Our choices of how we live our lives in our present, in-time experience, the here and now portion of our eternity determines what our experience will be in our here-after forever.
The Holy Spirit God wrote through King David in the twenty-third Psalm, Passion Translation, verse six:
“So why would I fear the future? For your goodness and love pursue me all the days of my life. Then afterward, when my life is through, I’ll return to your glorious presence to be forever with you!”
Psalm 23:6, The Passion Translation (TPT)
When our spirit leaves our body we begin the “hereafter” period/component of our eternity.
This is our promise! This is what our life is about.
Love this…….Thank you……