Last week we discussed how we are so indoctrinated by our culture to think in terms of our temporal, earthly experience, that we lose the ability to speak in the language of eternity – our first and primary language. Even as we read our Constitution (the Bible), we frequently miss the eternal language and lessons laid out by Jesus.
We must re-learn the language of eternity.
I am told by people that are learning a new language that when you can begin to think and process information in the new language, you have mastered it. This is not easy. Often you have to go to a place where you are surrounded by those who are speaking the language and immerse yourself in the training process.
Could that be what we are told to do in Romans, chapter 12 verse 2? Is that what this verse really means?
2 Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you,[a] but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of “how you think.“ This will empower you to discern God’s will as you live a beautiful life, satisfying and perfect in his eyes.
Romans 12:2, The Passion Translation (TPT)
How we think is important, and how we think is determined by how we have been and how we are programming our minds to think. Our mind is the data bank that houses all the information we have placed in our minds. Or the information we have allowed others to place in our mind. We do the programming, or we allow someone else to program our minds for us.
There is not much reference to eternity in our mind for most of us. We have not placed it there.
The tangible, physical things of our life in our “here” takes up all the room in our minds. That is no accident. This did not just happen. The culture and the systems of our world are controlled by the Kingdom of Darkness, and they have an amazing and effective plan for programming our minds to think like they want us to think. When we understand and when we grasp eternity and our eternalness, the priority and significance of the brief, temporary “things” of our lives in our here begin to dim and to lose their power and their influence over us. Our focus changes. Our perspective is not confined to this planet. We know where we came from, our before-here. We know where we are going, our here-after. We know why we are here, the reason that we exist and why we are.
What we can buy, power, fame, good looks, sexuality, drugs, alcohol, immoral behavior (sexual or otherwise), all of the material things that we can pursue will not satisfy. Only our purpose, our reason for being that is found in our eternity, will deliver the peace, the satisfaction, and the contentment that we are created and designed to achieve and to enjoy.
The number one and the primary take-away from our study of who we are, where we came from, why we are here, how we are to live, and what happens to us when we die and our spirit departs time and leaves our body is that we must know, we must understand, and we must live our lives in‑time from the correct perspective of our eternity and of our eternalness.
Why? Because we are eternal. We never die. Our spirit existed before our time experience and will live after our body dies. Our life in-time is to be lived completely from the perspective of our eternity and from the view of our eternalness. This is who we are. This is who we are forever. This is who our Creator and our Designer is, and this is who He has created and designed us to be. For our lives in-time and forever to be successful and meaningful, we must be effective in our pursuit of eternity and our eternalness. There is no other platform that we can define and that we can use to achieve success that is lasting.
Our God, our Creator and our Designer, is eternal. He only communicates and fellowships with us, His creation, from the perspective of our eternity and from the position of our eternalness. He is not religious; He is a God of relationship. And we are created and designed to be in a living, flowing, breathing relationship of fellowship with Him, continually and without end.
He and His Word are the same. Both are eternal and do not change. His Word, the scriptures are not a religious book of regulation and compliance. His Word is completely relational and provides for us the interactive dynamics that we choose to live our lives by in order to be successful and in right relationship with Him. His Word is our Constitution: the values, the principles and the established precedents that we agree to use to govern ourselves. Our Conduct and our Behavior are based on the eternal values that are found in scripture.
From cover to cover, the scriptures present the story of Humanity as the battle of two kingdoms; one King and one who wants to be King. The epic battle by this want-to-be King for control of Humanity is displayed clearly throughout the recorded history found in our book. The devastating results of Humanity, who are deceived into believing his lies and who choose to follow this want-to-be King, are presented in great detail for all of Humanity to see and to understand. This renegade Angel cannot win. In his desperation, his plan is to steal, to kill, and to destroy as much of Humanity as he can before he ends up bound and imprisoned for eternity. He is already defeated. He is the defeated Satan.
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